Restoration of the “RUN” Sculpture at the 2012 Olympic Park

Run statue restoration London Olympic park

Client: Parkserve, Olympic Park, London


The iconic “RUN” sculpture, commissioned for the 2012 London Olympics and situated prominently on the plaza of the Copper Box Arena, had deteriorated over the years. Standing at 30 feet tall, the sculpture’s glass panels were damaged, and its internal lighting system had failed, necessitating an urgent and skilled restoration.


The Glazing Face was approached to undertake this complex renovation. Our team’s expertise in handling intricate and large-scale glass projects positioned us uniquely for this challenge.

The project required meticulous planning and coordination with the on-site electricians. Our initial task was the careful removal of the massive glass panels, which were each lifted by a mini crane. Given the constrained space around the sculpture, we employed cherry pickers, manoeuvred by our skilled operatives, to guide the panels safely to the ground.

Recognising the unique construction of the sculpture, our team determined the need for a bespoke rigging solution to handle the curved glass panels. This was critical not only for the removal but also for reinstalling the panels post-restoration.

During the project, we identified several design flaws that had contributed to the structural vulnerabilities of the sculpture. In collaboration with the project structural designers, we assisted in an innovative fixing solution for the stainless steel side panels, enhancing the sculptureā€™s durability against the elements.


After implementing the technical solutions and conducting a thorough clean, the “RUN” sculpture was restored to its original splendour. Our effective collaboration with the project’s main contractor and designers ensured that all structural and aesthetic aspects were addressed, resulting in a seamless restoration process.

Client Benefit:

The restoration of the “RUN” sculpture not only preserved a significant piece of Olympic heritage but also demonstrated the capacity of The Glazing Face to manage and execute highly specialised restoration projects under challenging conditions. This project underscored our ability to adapt and innovate, ensuring that even the most unique structures can be maintained and enjoyed for years to come.

Restoring the "N" - The RUN ststue at the London Olympic Park - The Glazing Face Restoration work of the RUN statue in London